
A concept for the development of AI in Kazakhstan for five years has been developed

28.02.2024 17:13:00
Дата публикации
The draft concept was published by the Ministry of Digital Development on the Open Legal Entities website.

The document provides for the systematic elimination of the human factor in the field of data management and collection.

It also states that Kazakhstan has reached great heights in the digitalization of public administration. However, questions remain open regarding data management: the full use of AI requires structured data, as well as its availability.

The priority sectors of the economy for the implementation of AI were:

• public administration;
• healthcare;
• education;
• finance;
• logistics;
• Agriculture;
• industry.

Stages of AI development in Kazakhstan

▪️ in 2024 - business will have access to government data through Smart Data Ukimet, and in December NIT JSC should place the computing power of the AI platform in its data center. It is planned to develop a national LLM and create a draft digital code to regulate AI technologies;

▪️ in 2025 – construction of a data center and creation of a supercomputer;

▪️ from 2026 to 2028 – approval of ethical rules, development of standards and creation of a commission to regulate AI;

▪️ in 2029 – the share of government services provided with the participation of neural networks should be 20%.

In the medium term, it is planned to maintain a favorable climate for the development of the artificial intelligence economy.

The most suitable applied AI solutions will be introduced in priority areas of the economy in order to increase competitiveness, innovation and future-orientedness.

Public discussion of the document ends on March 4.

(text translation is carried out automatically)