
Internet shutdowns: trends, causes, legal consequences and impact on a number of human rights

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“Hospitals are unable to contact their doctors in emergencies, manufacturers are cut off from customers and may face economic collapse, peaceful protesters under violent attack are unable to call for help, students are missing entrance exams for their academic programs—to name just a few situations.” arising when the Internet and telecommunications services are disconnected,” says the report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/50/55).

The document analyzes the human rights risks posed by internet shutdowns.

It also sets out proposals for how to reverse the current trend towards more frequent shutdowns in some regions, given the inevitable tension between shutdowns and international obligations to ensure universal internet access.

Such outages inevitably affect many users, resulting in enormous damage beyond the intended purpose of such outages.

Access to the Internet is widely recognized as an integral means of realizing a wide range of human rights

States should refrain from interfering with access to the Internet and digital communication platforms unless such interference is carried out in full compliance with the requirements of applicable human rights instruments.

States have the primary responsibility for ensuring human rights-based approaches to internet shutdowns, the UN High Commissioner said.

But much also depends on the actions of telecom companies, civil society and human rights organizations.

Civil society already plays a critical role in collecting information about shutdowns, challenging internet shutdown orders in court, and working to end shutdowns.

UN recommendations to civil society:
  • Strengthen joint efforts to prevent, detect, study and respond to shutdowns;
  • Continue to develop and promote preventative strategies ahead of events that may cause disruptions in the provision of communication services;
  • Support increased digital literacy and promote access to circumvention tools, with due regard to their security, accessibility and affordability.

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